Professional installation of video surveillance systems at customs warehouses (GTW)
We have extensive experience in launching a large number of warehouses of both state and private scales.
We install cameras at the customs warehouses of our clients and partners in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 9, 2020, No. 210 “On approval of administrative regulations for the provision of services for licensing the activities of a customs warehouse, a free warehouse, and a duty-free shop”.
When calculating the number of cameras, the following points must be taken into account:
Distribute groups of goods not only according to cost, but also according to the possibility of theft;
The group of products at maximum risk should be protected primarily using the latest technical means, including rotary cameras, variofocal lenses and zoom lenses;
When installing CCTV cameras, the number of blind spots inside the room should be minimized. Special attention is paid to the site near the entrance and exit, the places where the goods are sorted, the loading/unloading area and the reception / delivery of the goods. It is advisable to use fixed focal length video cameras in these areas;
The processing and storage of information should be carried out on a video server with sufficient disk space. It is desirable that the information is stored in a RAID array. Thus, the failure of one of several disks will not have a significant impact on the safety of the video archive;
The video surveillance system device for the warehouse is connected to the power supply line through uninterruptible power supplies. If the room has a significant size, then several decentralized power sources with built-in IPBS can be used, the breakdown is carried out on a geographical basis. For the power supply of the equipment, it is recommended to use switching power supplies in combination with good filters.
What brands of video cameras do we use?
A warehouse is a place for storing a large amount of material assets, which many employees of the company often have access to. According to some reports, up to 80% of thefts in warehouses are carried out by their own employees.
When designing your video surveillance system, we will solve such important tasks as:
☆ Direction of camera lenses.
☆ Vertical or horizontal viewing angles.
☆ Camera placement height.
☆ Presence of obstacles and interference for viewing.
☆ "Vision" range of cameras, presence of autofocus (which affects the image quality).
☆ Color and resolution (degree of detail) of the camera.
☆ Distance to the video server (affects the length of cable lines for data transmission).
You can buy surveillance cameras in our store