Typically, employee monitoring is one of the key aspects of any company’s operation. What advantage will managers gain from this? The commitment and productivity of employees will be at a high level. Additionally, working conditions in the company will improve: salaries will increase, and employees will better understand management requirements.
You must inform employees that their location is being tracked using cameras or GPS. In addition to this, they need to realize that this measure is taken not to degrade or deprive them of financial rewards, but to improve the company’s operation. A company cannot function smoothly when employees do not fulfill agreements.
When it comes to monitoring the work of a small team, a manager can assign this task to someone from the team. If a company has hundreds of employees and operates remotely, automation can help solve this task.
Additionally, it is necessary to monitor employee work to avoid potential company security issues. With IT solutions, it is possible to control labor productivity and optimize employee work. Automatic systems capture information gathering processes, analysis, and report generation about company work.
Through an automated time tracking system, a company can reduce costs when an employee is absent from the workplace. IT tools capture and analyze information about employee commendable work, thus encouraging the team to work more organized.
Over time, methods for monitoring and recording employee work time have evolved, but in most cases, organizations, both public and private, still use traditional methods.
1. This is usually done by a duty officer responsible for recording working hours. Their job is to record the time employees arrive and leave and prepare reports for the director.
2. A position of administrator may be introduced to monitor employee work.
3. This option involves employees keeping their own work time records. This helps promote independence.
4. The most common method is the use of a pass and fingerprint scanner when installing a control system. Employee data is stored in files and can be viewed at any stage of work.
5. Video surveillance is a convenient, modern, and effective way to monitor employee work. You will need to spend money on purchasing surveillance cameras and their installation, as well as paying a specialist to monitor employee work.
Data collected through automated IT systems allow for:
– Identifying employees with disciplinary issues – chronic smokers, those who constantly like to be late, leave home before the scheduled time, frequent tea breaks.
– Colleagues engaged in personal matters during working hours, reading news and feeds on social networks, engaging in friendly, rather than work-related, conversations in messengers, playing computer games.
– Employees who are under such intense pressure that they have to work overtime, experiencing professional burnout and nervous breakdowns.
– Employees dissatisfied with their work and looking for a new one.
In case of rule violations, agreements, or corporate culture, the manager needs to resort to total control over the team.
| Assistance in installing automated management system