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Main News Types of parental control

Types of parental control

29 February 2024

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Universal apps. The best parental control apps with plenty of features are created by antivirus vendors as well as companies like Google and Apple.

Tracker programs — applications that allow tracking children’s location and movements. Such applications are available, for example, from many mobile operators.

The paid app “Where are my kids” can track not only the child’s location but also the time of application launches. Locategy and Boomerang, in addition to this, can block unwanted content and send an SOS signal if the child is in trouble.

Shell programs. Some tablets and smartphones have a built-in child shell — a special mode that can only be exited with a password. Inside this shell, you can set restrictions on downloading and using applications, limit the time of gadget usage, and prohibit web search usage.

Network filters. Many routers allow filtering internet traffic by blocking access to unwanted sites. Restrictions are set in the settings. For example, in the settings of the Keenetic Giga router, you can create an internet access schedule for each connected device and set content filtering.

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