The engine of the giant ship broke down and no one could fix it.
They invited a mechanical engineer with over 40 years of experience.
He carefully inspected the engine, took out a small hammer from his bag.
Then he hit a certain part.
Soon the engine started. The engine was repaired!
After 7 days, the engineer said the repair cost $20,000.
“What?! – said the owner – You did almost nothing. Give us a detailed report.”
The engineer’s response was simple: “Hammer blow: $2
Knowing where to hit, how much to hit: $19,998″
It’s important to value your own knowledge and experience… because it’s the result of struggle, experience, and even tears.
If I do a job in 30 minutes, it’s because I spent 20 years learning how to do it in 30 minutes.
You owe me years, not minutes.
Never sell cheap your labor.Your workday is worth 1 day of life…